Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What is this weather?!

Today's weather is cold and gross and sad. Here are some things that might cheer you up.

Best obituary ever? I think so. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/21/nyregion/21yitta.html?em

A member of the extended Albright family has a blog that is even better than this one. Check out Caroline's sister's blog about going to beauty school: http://beautyschooledproject.com/

And cute, silly, clever art...made from leaves: http://niemann.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/11/17/bio-diversity/

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy Rally Day!

A variety of random things for Rally Day!

Old photos of Albright House: http://clio.fivecolleges.edu/smith/postcards/albr.htm

Johnny Weir, who is skating tonight (I think), skating to "Poker Face": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnUMOrd_ANI

And...something that made me smile: http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs115.snc1/5154_1108951535802_1587243634_246759_825011_n.jpg

Enjoy the day off!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday Update

As some of you may know, we had no house council yesterday because Ms. Corwin is sick. But this week is full of all kinds of events on campus, so I figured I'd post about a few of them.

First, of course, is all the stuff associated with Rally Day. You can find a schedule here, and this page has more detailed info on the various traditions. There is food served at almost every event, though the type of food depends on the time of day. I'm planning to go to the Rally Day history tea on Monday (7pm in Neilson Browsing Room) and the lecture by Sarah Thomas on Tuesday (4:30 in Neilson Browsing Room). I hear the Rally Day show is not to be missed (Tuesday @ 8 in the Carroll Room). Then, on Wednesday, there's the Rally Day convocation, where seniors wear their funky hats, the Rally Day medalists are honored, and this year's commencement speaker is announced (1:30 in JMG).

On Tuesday, the branch libraries (Hillyer, Young, and Josten) will be celebrating Mardi Gras. Young will have tea at 10am, Hillyer will have tea at 2pm, and Josten will have "tango tea" (tea and tango dance instruction) at 4pm. If you go to all three libraries on Tuesday and get a card stamped, you'll be entered to win some kind of prize. I have no clue what the prize is.

On Thursday, there will be a lecture on Virginia Woolf. It is 4:30-6 in Neilson Browsing Room, on the role of feminism in the study of Virginia Woolf. Also on Thursday, at 7 in Neilson Browsing Room, there will be a lecture on William Allen Neilson.

Shameless self-promotion: There will be a Quiz Bowl general interest meeting on Thursday, 7pm, in Seelye 204! It will be fun! There might be food?

That's all I know about. Email me if you know of any events I should add.

Have a great week!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I was talking to Sally today, and she told me that she will be taking a trip to Oslo, Norway this weekend. Kind of cool, right?

Cooler than I thought!
It turns out, the Worldwide Mr. Gay competition is being held in Oslo this weekend. As Sally put it, "It's like Miss Universe for the gays!"

I strongly encourage you all to check out the candidate photos (I think Mr. Chile might be the hottest): http://www.worldwidemrgay.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=section&layout=blog&id=10&Itemid=65

Then there's the video announcing Oslo as the 2010 host city. Listen closely to the words of the song: http://www.visitoslo.com/en/mr-gay-world-10.124159.en.html

Sally promises me she is going to try to go to some of the free events and take lots of photos. I just want to know what Northampton needs to do to host this event in the future!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Procrastination is a beautiful thing

Here's a link, courtesy of Niki, to a cute blog that illustrates the postings on Missed Connections websites: http://missedconnectionsny.blogspot.com/

Newsweek's annual Oscar Roundtable. This years participants are Sandra Bullock, Woody Harrelson, Morgan Freeman, Jeff Bridges, Carey Mulligan, and Gabourey Sidibe. It's extra fun if you imagine their voices as you read it: http://photo.newsweek.com/oscar-roundtable/2010/electric-company.html

And, if you feel that you feel guilty for reading about celebrities , this Newsweek article from February provides all the justification you need. It's interesting even if you don't feel guilty: http://www.newsweek.com/id/226457

Lastly, today's giveaway on Lucky.com is a $3000+ ring. It's not really my taste, but it's a $3000 ring. Think about it. http://www.luckymag.com/breaks/luckysweeps/2010/03/giveaway_a_day?slide=2#showHeader

Remember, if you have any links you want to share, email them to me!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Weekly Update

Hey all,
I hope you're all ready for a brand new week! Here are this week's house council updates:

-We talked about having someone come to tea (or at another time) to do Zumba with us. If you have any other ideas for people you would like to see at tea, email Ms. Corwin

-If you want to help out with a Habitat for Humanity project, email Veronica. It would be at a local site, for a couple of hours. Veronica has more details, if you're interested.

-Penny Wars are on! The buckets for coins are in the foyer, under the mirror. Put pennies in your floor's bucket, and silver coins or bills in other floor's buckets. I don't know for sure, but I assume the third floor is kicking ass.

-Check out the new Athletic Association rep board. It's on the second floor landing of the main stairs. It's brightly colored, and it lists all the home games left in the season. On Jackie's board, there's a sign up for intramural basketball. Sign up by the 15th; all the games will on Sundays. In case you are wondering, intramural means "between the walls".

-The "Why I Love Myself" wall is great! In addition, we will be reinstating the Affirmation Wall sometime soon. For those of you who weren't here last year, it's a place to write things you like about other people. It's a nice way to spread the Albright love!

-We will be painting the study in the basement on Valentine's Day! It's going to bright colors, plus some blackboard paint. More details to come.

-We talked about house apparel. We're getting hoodies this year. House council brainstormed a few possibilities slogan-wise. If you have any suggestions, email them to me (Rachel Z.), by Thursday. I'll be sending out a survey on Friday so the whole house can vote on what they want!

-Word of the week: "Douche-canoe"

Have a great week everyone! And don't forget to check back here during the week for more fun procrastination.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

For your viewing pleasure...

..although I'm afraid not all of you will fully appreciate this one. Hot men! In underpants!


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

to add to your procrastinating pleasure

we have a drinking song... btws. AWESOME.

Hump Day

Hey all,
Here are some fun links to help you procrastinate!

This first one is a summary of a poll taken a long time ago (I don't know what year) about the wardrobes of students at various colleges. Apparently, Smithies were really into skirts and sweaters! http://www.nypl.org/sites/default/files/blog_attachments/CampusPoll2pages.jpg

This one is a random article from Monday's NY Times about how our bodies interpret abstract thoughts and ideas: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/02/science/02angier.html

And lastly...Lucky magazine is having a "Giveaway a Day" thing online. It starts tomorrow and goes until March 20. Every day, you can enter to win the prize that's being offered on that day. They have clothes, accessories, and electronics, and most of it is way out of college student price range.There's some pretty sweet stuff up for grabs, and it takes about 30 seconds to enter to win. Do it! http://www.luckymag.com/breaks/luckysweeps/2010/03/giveaway_a_day


Monday, February 1, 2010

Welcome Back!

Hey Albright! I hope your semesters are off to a great start! I am joining Ms. Corwin in the authorship of this blog, and I am going to make it cooler than facebook. Maybe. Almost.

Ideally, I will post weekly updates about house council meetings and what's going on in the house. In addition, I'm hopefully going to post some fun links and distractions, so that this blog can serve the TRUE purpose of a blog...procrastination.

Without further ado, here is this week's house council update! (I'll start with the serious stuff)
-Albright will be having Floor against Floor Penny Wars to raise money for Haiti. We're hoping to get it set up by the end of this week. More details to come...

-On a similar note, there will be an in-house Free Rice (the online game) competition. The winner will get a "design your own movie night" sponsored by our lovely ResLife. Again, details to come.

-Vagina Monologues: Saturday, February 13! Tickets are $10 if you buy them from Emily Fuller, or $5 if you buy them from Emily Corwin. The proceeds go to Safe Passage and women in the Congo. It's a great cause, and it's always a fun show!

-This Thursday at the Yellow Sofa, Albright's own Alice Howe will be a featured performer. Go around 8 to support Alice!

-We're planning a lot of great events for the semester, but I want to be careful not to put too much info out there on the internet. I'm sure you'll get emails and whatnot about more private in-house events.

-Do you think we need more condoms for the semester? Email Grace Anderson.

-Finally, last night, there were NO COOKIES! House council members engaged in serious debate over who should be held responsible for this atrocity. Abigail Cooper says, "Just like orgasms, you should take care of your own cookie needs." Emily Fuller, on the hand, suggests, "I know how to make cookies, but sometimes, it's nice to have someone else take care of your needs." All in all, house council members agreed that there was general ball dropping. Moral of the story: sign up for study break if you want delicious cookies!

That's all I've got for now...have a great week!